Tips for Preparing an Elevator Pitch that Helps you Get Hired

A brief summary of the experience and background of a job candidate is considered an elevator pitch. The term happens for the sole reason that a candidate must be able to explain briefly all about himself including his qualifications to the hiring manager within a twelve-floor elevator ride. Generally, an ideal elevator pitch should limit within 15 to 30 seconds. Imagine a person is in the elev

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Key Tips to Change the Workers Attitude to Get Noticed at Work

Getting recognized for things done at work is liked by all, regardless of the worker being a proclaimed achiever or just an ordinary drudgery. However, the fact is that the majority of workers are those who may feel they are struggling in the race of getting noticed by their managers. Then this essentially need not be the reflection as well, of the quality and volume of effort put in by them into

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Present Minimum Wages Scenario in India, Middle East and Europe

Quite a politically charged issue in world employment market is the impact of minimum wages on economics based on employment. The minimum wage concept has in the recent times become a confusing thing for many commoners. This bit of confusion has been sparked off by the supporters as well as the critics of the concept. The supporters that say minimum wage elevates living standard of workers by redu

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