

Hiring remains one of the toughest and the most important task you’ll ever have to carry out as a business leader. It will be such a time-consuming process that will put your reputation at stake, when you hire the wrong employee.

Companies and Organizations with great potential for hiring quality candidates examine them in several aspects, taking their time to know them across a different field. So finding the right person candidate -someone that is technically capable, morally and mentally fit.

This is why it is extremely important to consider several hiring techniques that has being proven and will be applicable during any hiring process. Below are nine astounding tips on how to improve your hiring chance.

1. Quality Job Description

So many organization others there give out detailed description with an endless list of requirements and responsibilities but studies already shows this can turn off qualified candidates (according to wall street journal). The study also show that organization should employ “Need supplies” i.e. what they company can offer their candidate rather than “Demand-abilities” i.e. an approach with is all about what the company wants from the candidates. The job description should come with encouraging statement such as “We look forward to providing employees with constructive opportunities that support their career development,” and “Endless opportunities of collaborating with other talented people.” These will definitely attract more and better-qualified candidates.

2. Pay Attention To Their Soft Skills

Proper skill set might appear to be the most factors appealing to you when hiring but personalities should never be ignored. The ability to control a social situation and relate with others –social intelligence, should be a key character to watch out for, it is very paramount.

3. Social Media Profiles

Background check on your candidate is quite important and it definitely includes their social media profile to check what they are up to online, as social media is a key way to access their individual personality that they might be obvious about them in person. It can be quite risky to use a candidate’s social media activity as a factor that aids your hiring decisions, it can project a better picture of someone you’re might be interested in hiring.

4. Include Others In The Hiring Process

While this might not be practiced any longer or seen as an option in some organizations, multiple interviewers (without overwhelming the job applicant) can add significantly to the final decision. We’re all become biased no matter how hard we fight it, but it becomes much difficult to be irrelevantly biased with multiple interviewers assessing each applicant.

5. Discussing Applicants Should Not Be Topics Until All Interviews Are Over

It’s normal for interviewers to try and discuss each applicant after their interview has been concluded. This is an act that can introduce unwanted vibe into an otherwise highly structured process. This can be a topic of discussion until each applicant has been interviewed and scored.

6. Applicants Should Be Allowed To Ask Questions, Only After The Interview

It’s almost impossible to give applicants zero chance of asking questions during the interview, this should be a time for you to be collating information about a potential new hire, not for them to learn too much about the job or the organization. Reduce their questions by notifying them prior to the interview session that you’ll be glad and willing to answer any of their questions only at the end of the interview instead of during interview.

7. Get Applicants Talking

The easiest ways to get applicants talking about their selves is with open-ended questions that encourage dialogue. While the process can include questions that generate yes/no answers only, but limited. Getting candidates to open up and talk is the best way to rate their confidence and see how they portray themselves.

8. Never Ignore Longer Interviews

If your structured interviews are planned to take an hour each, then that’s how long they should take. Do not seek reasons to shorten the interview process as everything during the interview is relevant to the scoring / decision-making process.

9. Stay Ahead of Applicants

This process can always be fined tuned and refined as it pleases you. If your intentions are to make the hiring process a point of pride within your organization, then it’s is absolutely necessary to get the best results possible through a well arranged and planned out interview process.

In summary, always assess your hiring process by evaluating the accuracy and relevancy of the job postings you write, the tests you administer, the structured interview questions you’ve written, and the overall approach to finding, hiring, and retaining top prospects. This will go a long way in getting vital information from the applicant. It will also give you a brief insight about the clients’ behavior.