
5 easy steps to find your dream job

Let’s admit one thing. All of us are not doing what we want to. Basically, these are certain societal pressures that keep us bound. We are often compelled to say yes to very first job offering we come across. Mainly, because we are misled into what is an ultimate necessity in the pursuit of happiness? Most of the times, urge to get a sustainable financial status makes us to start a job. But soon we realize that this is not giving us enough satisfaction. Or we feel that our job is more like a burden on our mind and soul.

There are also plenty of people who look for a dream job. When it comes to knowing about ways of getting such job, then honestly, there are not much such ways. The reason lies in the fact that everyone has a special definition of a dream job. For few people, it is all about getting a work which is highly paid. There are those who consider an ideal job one, if it makes them utilize their potential. There are also those, who want a job that meets both of these conditions.

Then what is a dream job?

Keeping in view all these categories, it is quite possible to put one single definition of a dream job as; a dream job is a work which offers satisfaction, in terms of offering financial benefits and giving a person an opportunity to utilize his potentials in an effective manner. But the job does all these tasks without being a burden. Briefly, such job is rewarding for the soul as well as for matter.

Now the question is  how to get this dream job?

Here we have jotted down five ways that can make you to get your dream job

1. Have a clarity of mind

The first step of looking for a dream job is to know you. Take your time and ask yourself few questions. What do you want to achieve in this life? What are your ambitions? What is keeping you alive? What is the task that you love to do? What potential you actually have to pursue your interest? After you have an answer of all these questions, you would automatically achieve the clarity of mind. Now, you would be able to proceed next without keeping any ambiguity in mind. Keep in mind one thing. Clarity of mind is a very important thing. It gives you guidance and a roadmap to act further.

2. Narrow down you job search

Now, look for possible jobs that you can have. There would be so many jobs that would reward you by accommodating your potential. For example, if you want to write and earn in a way that you can travel the world, then look for freelancing jobs, that make it possible for you to work from anywhere. If you are a coder, who has gotten some superb ideas for new apps, then look for a job in some technology house. Don’t fall a prey to all the job offerings, just look for something which actually caters to you.

3. Create a Job by Yourself

Why to wait for someone who would offer you a dream job? Why not to create one by yourself? Yes, it is possible. All you need is to have an idea. Keep in mind that an idea is the basis of anything. It has not to be brilliant, but it has to be something unique. Yes, every person has the ability to devise a unique solution of some problem. When it is a matter of refining your idea, then pay attention to the first step, which is clarity of mind. If you are clear what you want to do then, no one can bar you from putting your idea into practicality.

4. Network with like-minded people

In the modern era, networking is very much necessary for getting a job. Luckily, there are many social media websites that offer the facility to network with like-minded people. Well, here is a tip. Don’t limit your search of like-minded people to jobs specific website. Look for them on common social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Another good approach is to look for mentors who can guide you for achieving your goals. Try to make connections in the industry that offers the jobs you are looking for.

5. Convert your resume into a proposal

CVs are a quite conventional of representing yourself to an employer. But they only reflect educational background and experience. They don’t reflect ambitions and objectives. I would recommend writing your CV on the method of an admission application essay. Try to make your CV look like a proposal. Elaborate your plans and ideas in a way that an organization thinks it necessary to hire you. Make sure you don’t elaborate ideas up to such an extent that someone else can steal them. But still, don’t miss on explaining your plans.