6 Simple Tips to Boost Motivation in the Workplace

It is quite a normal thing to have those days when you are seldom motivated to do anything. However, you need to consider it a bit more seriously if such a feeling happens often. Frequent bouts of such pessimistic feeling could be subtly trying to say that something requires a change. Now you may find asking yourself, “How could I carry on at work in high spirits?”. More, if you happen to be a manager your question must be a little bit different one from the former one, “How could I go ahead to work with a motivated team?” Well if you wish to be at a position where you can stop asking all those questions please go through the six simple tips given below to boost your motivation.

The Six-step Motivational Path

1. Don’t hesitate to offer rewards for effective work

Recognising good work and hard work comes among some of the most crucial factors that increase employee motivation. Although this is the case around 25 per cent of companies hardly offer any sort of recognition of work to the employees, which obviously in its turn tends to decrease the morale of teams. Substantiating this fact is a recent research carried out by a recruitment agency based in the United Kingdom, Genesis Associates. According to Genesis’ study, 85 per cent of workers said they felt more motivated for contributing their best when there was an incentive. It is true that budgets for each organization differ according to their size; nevertheless, the concept of an incentive is that it can be anything from monthly/yearly employee recognition to an annual bonus for the team for its hard work.

2. Do set compact measurable targets for yourself

You know well what is it like to have at hand an assignment looking like never-ending. Also, think about coming into work as a routine with almost no progress affecting your morale. This is exactly the point where you may set vivid and achievable targets for every day with a view to encourage yourself to hop past the hurdles. This manner, when you achieve each small target you feel a motivational leap.

3. Let results be applauded

Applauding results is something that suits well the scheme of setting goals or targets. This path provides a galaxy of opportunities along the way, to applaud the team’s results. However, it does not mean that you should applaud your team for just being present for the day’s work. Instead, you may do it every time your team achieves or exceeds its targets. Isn’t it encouraging and refreshing to be applauded for hard work?

4. Let positive vibes flood the workplace

Reviews at work are common. Nonetheless, no one likes to hear about their dismal performance as well besides constant reminders on where they need to improve. A smart manager tends to be a little bit of diplomat as well here. He, instead of the boring cautions and reminders gives a feedback that seems like a positive sandwich. The cover of the package will be a positive comment on the team’s performance followed by something to be improved and finally garnished with another positive comment. Such an attitude from the managers would make the workers feel confident about their work although with welcome rooms for slight improvements.

It is also understood that being happy and content at the workplace all the time is a hard thing. But that does not say that you should not try to see the positive bits during a bad situation, even if something goes terribly wrong at work. This will more often than not, elevate the spirits of the workplace besides inspiring the workers to get it perfect the next time. Here, you need to know that there is no workplace where things go right all the time. When a colleague of you feels negative, giving him encouragement is a wise thing. Assure the dejected ones that they would hopefully get things right next time alongside telling them about the things where they are great. These could be small gestures, but they are definitely capable of going places.

5. Healthy food for healthy thoughts

Sitting at the workplace having skipped your breakfast blaming lack of leisure is a negative extreme considering a healthy work chain where all links are industrious. The other extreme is the sluggish feel creeping on the worker who stays at the workplace stuffed with unhealthy food such as chocolates and crisps. Both these extremes are easily performed and potential of leaving the subject at the workplace feeling tired, distracted and far from motivated to do things optimally. It is high time to change such habits if you find this scenario familiar.
Encouraging the team members to wake up early to have a healthy breakfast is much advisable alongside urging them to bring in to the workplace with them healthy snacks to satisfy their appetite throughout the work hours of the day. Bear in mind that having healthier food at reasonable times would make the individual feel greatly refreshed and ready all times to handle their work projects.

6. Take a healthy break

Working to your potential without healthy breaks is almost impossible. When you are focusing your attention constantly on certain things such as a computer your mind is likely to wander affecting both productivity and work quality that you otherwise maintain well. As a human being, you are seldom built to sit down for long hours. Therefore taking a walk around the workplace every couple of hours is advised. This would help you stretch your legs besides giving your brain rest for a few minutes. Such breaks would also enhance a person’s mood, making him feel better motivated to achieve targets.

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