A youngster’s first proper job can give him a hard time at a fresh workplace. Particularly on the first day, as the person may seldom know what to expect or what is expected of him. Then he may be nervous as well, thriving to create a great first impression. Here are some tips for the… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Career Tips
What Are The Right Signs, Its Time To Quit Your Current Job
Have you ever had a rough day at work and wished you had some other job to turn to? Have you ever left your office furiously, swearing never to return? Do you feel like changing your current job but pretty uncertain at the right time to file your resignation letter? Are you feeling unfulfilled with… Read more »
Mandatory Employee Benefits and Perks Your Employer is Required to Offer
Benefits every employee needs to know The perfect company for an employee also offers the best employee benefits package. About this attribute of a corporation in India, normally an astute employee tends to ask a couple of questions. They would be – When would the employee of the firm be eligible for ‘health-care benefits? How… Read more »
7 Reasons Why Employees have No Loyalty to Employers: How to Improve Employees Loyalty?
It is said that “ employees do not leave bad jobs, but bad bosses”. This thinking is deduced from a common turnaround that most often than not, a worker leaves a company it has to be due to something relating to their employers. Let’s muse on seven reasons why corporations these days do not attract… Read more »
Interesting Facts But True You Should Consider When Changing Jobs
Switching Jobs? Points to Ponder What is the ideal point for an employee to switch jobs or even switch employers? This is a complicated question that has more often than not, a simple and straightforward answer. The solution could be as simple as the point where the person in question realizes he or she is… Read more »
10 Professional Etiquette Rules for a Successful Career
Although it might nоt be ѕо оbviоuѕ in thе lоwеr lеvеlѕ оf business, etiquette iѕ actually quitе imроrtаnt as one сlimbѕ the rаnkѕ оf the buѕinеѕѕ hiеrаrсhу. Fоr thеm tо think оf you as a professional, you muѕt look and act likе a truе professional. Bу not giving them a professional imаgе of yourself, уоu… Read more »
Seven Important Steps to take before applying for an overseas job
For any job applicant, working overseas not only boosts the scope of a better salary package, but holds the potential to catapult his career in the long term as well; particularly as regards to senior positions sought after. As more and more firms across the globe are looking for professionals with international experience apart from… Read more »
10 Things You Should Never Say to a New Work Colleague…Ever
Meeting people can be kind of scary. Forming connection when you are starting a new job is intimidating. It can also be a bit daunting to introduce yourself to a new coworker in the office, even if you’ve been in your job for a while. If you are in the latter position, remember to be… Read more »
What are Soft Skills? Why are they Important Nowadays?
How would you feel if you were thrown out of your corporate job at this moment that the economy continues to deteriorate? More importantly, how certain are you; you wouldn’t be the next in line to be thrown out of the job? Even if you are thrown out, do you have any soft skills to… Read more »
Best Hiring Tips for Human Resource Manager
HR has just received several new applications for a position; but there is a problem: there are lots of applications and only one job. So how does the HR decide whom he or she should hire? Follow the five best hiring tips for employers! 1. Find a reliable and reputable employment screening firm. By having… Read more »