6 impressive tricks to makeover your resume

Resume making is probably one of the most overlooked parts of a job hunting strategy. You must have seen hundreds of resumes that have almost a similar pattern. The whole idea behind creating a resume is to attract the reader's attention and compel them to want to know more about you. Does your resume serve this purpose? If your resume fails to attract employers, you may need to tailor the resume

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Job Analysis As a Part of Recruitment Process

During recruitment of new employees in an organization, job analysis is an important step to carry out in order to determine the qualified and nonqualified potential employees. Since job analysis is an important step, first we need to know what job analysis is; What Is Job Analysis? Basically, job analysis is the thorough examination of the job to determine its requirement. The following are t

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How to answer “where do you see yourself in five years?”

It is always hard to know how to answer interview questions and if you are not very experienced at interviews, then the whole process can seem daunting. So just how are you supposed to answer their questions? Well the basic principle to bear in mind, whatever the interview, whether on a one to one, at a recruitment agency or for a permanent contract, is that you need to sell yourself in a way tha

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