What Are The Right Signs, Its Time To Quit Your Current Job

Have you ever had a rough day at work and wished you had some other job to turn to? Have you ever left your office furiously, swearing never to return? Do you feel like changing your current job but pretty uncertain at the right time to file your resignation letter? Are you feeling unfulfilled with your current job? Well apparently, you aren’t the only one in such dilemma. A good number of pe

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Mandatory Employee Benefits and Perks Your Employer is Required to Offer

Benefits every employee needs to know The perfect company for an employee also offers the best employee benefits package. About this attribute of a corporation in India, normally an astute employee tends to ask a couple of questions. They would be – When would the employee of the firm be eligible for ‘health-care benefits? How much paid time off do the fresh hires receive typically?

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7 Reasons Why Employees have No Loyalty to Employers: How to Improve Employees Loyalty?

It is said that " employees do not leave bad jobs, but bad bosses". This thinking is deduced from a common turnaround that most often than not, a worker leaves a company it has to be due to something relating to their employers. Let’s muse on seven reasons why corporations these days do not attract the loyalty of their employees. 1. Employers do not value their workers or appreciate their contr

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