The Three Most Common Hiring Mistakes and How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person

Have you ever hired someone who did not live up to your expectations? Have you ever hired someone who greatly exceeded your expectations? How different were your hiring processes in each case? If you're like most employers - the process used in each case was the same! (You just got lucky - or unlucky!) What would it mean to your business (and your sanity!) if your company was chock full of grea

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Recruiting Fresher? Few Factors to be considered

A necessary part of growing your business is recruiting staff. Recruitment is an essential step that ensures that you can bring aptly qualified and motivated people into your business, which is crucial if you are to expand. While the process of finding and sorting through applicants may seem like a tiresome job, there are some simple guidelines that can be followed to ensure hiring a new employee

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How LinkedIn plays an upper hand in Job Hunting

LinkedIn is one of the best business networking sites around to help anyone searching for new job opportunities to maximize their job search. An extraordinary large number of people are already using this site - far more so than other business networking sites that I know of. It is easy to regard LinkedIn as another distraction, but it can in fact be a very sophisticated relationship management a

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